The Ultimate Guide on Keyword Mapping to Improve Your SEO Posted by Sameer Jan 03, 2020 SEO The procedure of SEO is detailed one, there are several factors that need to be evaluated and chalked-out before starting the SEO plan it will enhance the chance of success of your SEO plan. The process of SEO is not all about link building and content creation there are several aspects that influence the position of a website in SERP and keyword URL mapping is one of those small yet crucial factor. A good keyword URL mapping could decrease the bounce rate and make website more significant for the visitors. Keyword URL mapping strategy could make SEO task easier, it defines which keyword should be included in a particular URL for specific page and helps in optimizing the website for particular keyword so that the visitor could easily reach the right destination. No matter how much time and money one spends in the off-page process if the on-page is not well-defined and strong the effort of off-page SEO will not bring desired results. Keyword mapping is a tough task, it requires lots of research, competitor’s analysis and decision making but it is worth spending time. A well-defined URL mapping will always lead the visitor to the right page. It is a good way to control bounce rate and generate significant traffic. Many SEO professionals target only home page while developing the SEO plan, but for proper optimization and great result it is suggested to consider inner pages as well. Make your SEO plan extensive and result oriented with keyword URL mapping and rank well for the competitive and targeted keywords. SEO Share: